Home | News | PhD student Stephan Jagau receives Rubicon Grant
News | September 28, 2018

PhD student Stephan Jagau receives Rubicon Grant

PhD student Stephan Jagau has received a two-year Rubicon Grant for his project ‘Reason within Passions: Towards an Economic Theory of Emotions’.

PhD student Stephan Jagau receives Rubicon Grant

Stephan will carry out the project over a period of three to four years as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences (IMBS) at the University of California, Irvine and as a visiting scholar at the Department of Economics at the University of Zürich. The position is co-funded by NWO and by the IMBS.

Stephan is a PhD student at CREED (Amsterdam School of Economics) since September 2015 under the supervision of fellows Theo Offerman and Matthijs van Veelen. Since 2015, Stephan is a member of the EpiCenter at Maastricht University, a leading research group in Epistemic Game Theory. He is interested in Psychological and Epistemic Game Theory, Evolutionary (Game) Theory, and Judgement and Decision-Making, and finds projects in these areas most interesting if theories come back-to-back with experimental testing and measurement.

Stephan is a TI MPhil alumnus (cum laude, 2015). He defends his dissertation on October 12, 2018 (10 am, Agnietenkapel).