Julia is an assistant professor in econometrics at the VU University Amsterdam. She received a Veni grant for her research project Econometric methods for assessing nonstandard monetary policy impacts. Julia obtained her PhD in Economics from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in February 2013. Her research interests include financial time series analysis, high dimensional and systemic risk measurement, applied quantile regression and nonparametric methods, and spatial panel econometrics. Julia published in the Review of Finance, International Journal of Forecasting, and Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.
Niels is an assistant professor in economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He investigates the genetic background of socio-economic differences. With help of the Veni-grant Rietveld aims to study the relation between several socio-economic characteristics on the genetic level, and whether genetically different individuals respond differently to policy measures. Niels published in Nature, Science, the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), Economics Letters and Small Business Economics.