Fellow Philipp Koellinger appointed Professor of Genoeconomics at VU University Amsterdam
TI Fellow Philipp Koellinger has been appointed as professor of Genoeconomics at the VU Amsterdam. As of September 1, Philipp Koellinger and his research group have joined the Complex Trait Genetics section of the Center of Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research (CNCR).
Professor Philipp Koellinger will also remain affiliated with the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) of the EUR, for one day a week and will keep his appointment as co-director of the new interdisciplinary research institute EURIBEB (Erasmus University Rotterdam Institute of Biology and Economic Behavior), which is a joint effort of ESE and the Erasmus MC. Also, Philipp will remain a research fellow of the Tinbergen Institute.
His research interests are in the fields of genoeconomics, behavioral economics, entrepreneurship and innovation. In particular, he studies the role of genes, cognitive limits and affect on economic behavior, with entrepreneurship as a particularly vivid and relevant example. Recently, Philipp received a €1.9 million ERC Consolidator Grant. Koellinger received this prestigious award for his project “The molecular genetic architecture of educational attainment and its significance for cognitive health”.
Koellinger is one of the principal investigators and co-founders of the Gentrepreneur Consortium and the Social Science Genetic Association Consortium (SSGAC).