Home | News | Massimo Giuliodori appointed Professor of Empirical Macroeconomics
News | January 14, 2014

Massimo Giuliodori appointed Professor of Empirical Macroeconomics

Director of Graduate Studies and fellow Massimo Giuliodori has been appointed full professor of Empirical Macroeconomics at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), as of January 2014.

Massimo Giuliodori’s research interests are in the field of monetary and fiscal economics, in particular the empirical analysis on fiscal policy, monetary transmission mechanism and housing dynamics. He has conducted empirical research aimed at identifying and quantifying the relative importance of alternative transmission channels of both monetary and fiscal policies. Giuliodori has been working on how the Eurozone crisis has affected the responsiveness of sovereign bonds markets to auctions, news and the unconventional monetary policies implemented by the European Central Bank.


Massimo is a TI research fellow since 2005 and member of TI’s Macroeconomics and International Economics (MIE) research group. Since May 2013 he is TI’s Director of Graduates Studies for the economics and econometrics tracks. He holds a PhD from the University of Glasgow (2003) and has been working since 2004 at the research group ‘Macroeconomics and International Economics’ (MInt) of the Amsterdam School of Economics at the UvA. In November and December of 2013 Massimo worked as a consultant for the European Central Bank.

Massimo is the co-author (with F. Mishkin and K. Matthews) of the European edition of the undergraduate textbook The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, and he has also published his work in major academic journals, including the Journal of Economic Literature, Economic Letters, the Economic Journal, the Journal of the European Economic Association, and Economic Policy.