Home | News | Placement PhD Student Bart Yueshen: INSEAD
News | March 04, 2014

Placement PhD Student Bart Yueshen: INSEAD

PhD student Bart Zhou Yueshen, one of our job market candidates, has accepted a position as assistant professor in finance at INSEAD at Fontainebleau in France.

Bart Zhou Yueshen is an alumnus of the TI MPhil program (2011, cum laude) and a PhD candidate in finance at the VU Amsterdam. His supervisors is fellow Albert Menkveld. Bart’s research interests are in the field of Asset Pricing, Finance, Game Theory, and Market Microstructure. His research focuses on the financial securities markets and the trading of financial securities. Bart has been a visiting PhD student at MIT in the United States, hosted by Bengt Holmström.