Home | News | Editor’s Award Experimental Economics for Thomas Buser and Noemi Peter
News | August 26, 2014

Editor’s Award Experimental Economics for Thomas Buser and Noemi Peter

Thomas Buser and PhD student Noémi Peter has won the Editor’s Award 2012 for Experimental Economics for their article on ‘Multitasking’. The Economic Science Association (ESA) that publishes the Experimental Econonics Journal announced the award last week.

Buser and Peter examine in their article how multitasking affects performance (Experimental Economics 15 (4), December 2012, pages 641-655).

Thomas Buser is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). His research interests include experimental economics, behavioral economics, lab and field experiments and education. Recently, Thomas published with TI fellow Hessel Oosterbeek, et. al in one of the top journals in economics, namely the Quarterley Journal of Economics (2014). Also, in July he received a prestigeous Veni grant (€ 250.000) by NWO.

Noémi Peter is a PhD student at the Amsterdam School of Econonics of the UvA. She is finishing her PhD dissertation, supervised by fellow Hessel Oosterbeek (UvA) at the end of this year. Current research projects that she is working on are: ‘Family and/or career? The effect of sibling sex composition on earnings, education and family formation (with Petter Lundborg and Dinand Webbink)’; ‘The effect of additional funding for schools with pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds: a partial identification approach (with Monique de Haan)’; and ‘The role of information and time preferences in performance at university: a field experiment’.

About ESA

The Economic Science Association (ESA) is a professional organization devoted to using controlled experiments to learn about economic behavior. The ESA welcomes participation by economists interested in the results of such experiments, as well as scholars in psychology, business, political science, and other related fields. The ESA publishes a journal, Experimental Economics, sponsors conferences, and maintains online discussion groups for its members.