The ranking is published annually by Economisch Statistische Berichten (ESB). Research fellow and alumnus Thomas Buser is ranked in second place. Oosterbeek’s research interest lies in the area of the economics of education. In his research, he tries to identify causal explanations. He published 14 articles in total.
All TI fellows in the the 2018 ‘Economentop 40’
In total 23 TI fellows were listed in the rankings: Hessel Oosterbeek (1), Thomas Buser (2),Siem Jan Koopman (4), Andre Lucas (8), Han Bleichrodt (9), Albert Menkveld (10), Jan van Ours (11), Erik Verhoef (12), Jos van Ommeren (13), Pierre Koning (15), Pieter Gautier (17), Dick van Dijk (20), Theo Offerman (22), Olivie Marie (23), Patrick Verwijmeren (24), Bas van der Klaauw (25), Arthur Schram (27), Mirjam van Praag (28), Peter Wakker (29), Randolph Sloof (31), Jan Rouwendal (36), Sweder van Wijnbergen (37), Dinand Webbink (40).