Home | News | Paper by Ana Figueiredo published in the American Economic Review: Insights
News | December 02, 2022

Paper by Ana Figueiredo published in the American Economic Review: Insights

The paper 'Wage Cyclicality and Labor Market Sorting' by research fellow Ana Figueiredo (Erasmus University Rotterdam) has been published in the American Economic Review: Insights

Paper by Ana Figueiredo published in the American Economic Review: Insights

The abstract reads: This paper uses a measure of skill mismatch to separate wage flexibility from confounding variation in wages driven by differences in job quality over the business cycle. I first show that the high cyclicality of job switchers' wages goes beyond cyclical movements in skill mismatch. Then I uncover large differences in wage cyclicality across the skill mismatch distribution. Among incumbent workers, wages are acyclical in good matches but procyclical in poor matches, in particular for overqualified workers.

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Ana Figueiredo, “Wage Cyclicality and Labor Market Sorting", American Economic Review: Insights, Volume 4, Number 4, December 2022, pp. 425–42, doi/10.1257/aeri.20210161.