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501 key alumni publications

  • van Leeuwen, B., Noussair, C., Offerman, T., Suetens, S., van Veelen, M. and van de Ven, J. (2018). Predictably angry-facial cues provide a credible signal of destructive behavior Management Science, 64(7):3352--3364.
  • Xianhua Hu (2018). English auctions with ensuing risks and heterogeneous bidders Journal of Mathematical Economics.

  • Francesco Ravazzolo (2018). Bayesian Nonparametric Calibration and Combination of Predictive Distributions Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113(522}:675-685.

  • Marcos Poplawski Ribeiro (2018). The Slowdown in Global Trade: A Symptom of a Weak Recovery? IMF Economic Review.

  • Frank Windmeijer (2018). On the Use of the Lasso for Instrumental Variables Estimation with Some Invalid Instruments Journal of the American Statistical Association.

  • Baillon, A., Huang, Z., Selim, A.(. and Wakker, P. (2018). Measuring Ambiguity Attitudes for All (Natural) Events Econometrica, 86(5):1839--1858.
  • Baillon, A., Bleichrodt, H., Keskin, U.(., l'Haridon, O. and Li, C. (2017). The effect of learning on ambiguity attitudes Management Science, 64(5):2181--2198.
  • Boot, T. and Pick, A. (2018). Optimal forecasts from Markov switching models Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 36(4):628--642.
  • Cheshire, P., Hilber, ChristianA.L. and Koster, HansR.A. (2018). Empty homes, longer commutes: The unintended consequences of more restrictive local planning Journal of Public Economics, 158(2):126--151.
  • Aastveit, K.A., Ravazzolo, F. and H.K. van Dijk (2018). Combined Density Nowcasting in an Uncertain Economic Environment Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 36(1):131-145.

  • Opschoor, A., Janus, P., Lucas, A. and Van Dijk, D. (2018). New HEAVY Models for Fat-Tailed Realized Covariances and Returns Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 36(4):643--657.
  • Keijsers, B., Diris, B. and Kole, E. (2018). Cyclicality in losses on bank loans Journal of Applied Econometrics, 33(4):533--552.
  • Li, Z., Muller, J., Wakker, P. and Wang, T. (2018). The Rich Domain of Ambiguity Explored Management Science, 64(7):3227--3240.
  • van Bekkum, S., Irani, R. and Gabarro Bonet, M. (2018). Does a Larger Menu Increase Appetite? Collateral Eligibility and Credit Supply Review of Financial Studies, 31(3):2855--2896.
  • Baillon, A. and Emirmahmutoglu, A. (2018). Zooming in on ambiguity attitudes International Economic Review, 59(4):.
  • Juodis, A. (2018). Pseudo Panel Data Models With Cohort Interactive Effects Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 36(1):47--61.
  • Barra, I., Hoogerheide, L., Koopman, S. and Lucas, A. (2017). Joint Bayesian Analysis of Parameters and States in Nonlinear, Non-Gaussian State Space Models Journal of Applied Econometrics, 32(5):1003--1026.
  • Gerritsen, S., Plug, E. and Webbink, D. (2016). Teacher quality and student achievement: Evidence from a sample of Dutch twins Journal of Applied Econometrics, 32(3):643--660.
  • Weber, M. and Schram, A. (2017). The Non-Equivalence of Labour Market Taxes: A Real-Effort Experiment Economic Journal, 127(604):2187--2215.
  • de Haan, T., Offerman, T. and Sloof, R. (2017). Discrimination in the labour market: the curse of competition between workers Economic Journal, 127(603):1433–1466.