van den Berg, V.A.C. and Verhoef, E. (2011). Winning or losing from dynamic bottleneck congestion pricing? The distributional effects of road pricing with heterogeneity in values of time and schedule delay Journal of Public Economics, 95(7-8):983--992.
32 Key Publications
filtered by:
Chen, A., Pelsser, A. and Vellekoop, M. (2011). Modeling non-monotone risk aversion using SAHARA utility functions Journal of Economic Theory, 146(5):2075--2092.
Jacobs, B. (2011). Comment: Crime in Europe and the United States: Dissecting the {\textquoteleft}Reversal of Misfortunes' Economic Policy, 26(67):347--385.
Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H., Sonnemans, J. and van der Klaauw, B. (2011). Incentives versus sorting in tournaments: evidence from a field experiment Journal of Labor Economics, 29(3):637--658.
de Jong, Ph., Lindeboom, M. and van der Klaauw, B. (2011). Screening disability insurance applications Journal of the European Economic Association, 9(1):106--129.
van der Ploeg, F. and Venables, A. (2011). Harnessing windfall revenues: Optimal policies for resource-rich developing economies Economic Journal, 121(551):1--30.
Haan, M. and Moraga González, J.L. (2011). Advertising for attention in a consumer search model Economic Journal, 121(552):552--579.
Lindeboom, M., Bago D'uva, T., O'Donnell, O. and van Doorslaer, E. (2011). Slipping anchor? Testing the vignettes approach to identification and correction of reporting heterogeneity Journal of Human Resources, 46(4):875--906.
Marie, O., Machin, S. and Vujic, S. (2011). The Crime Reducing Effect of Education Economic Journal, 121:149--165.
Boot, A. and Thakor, A. (2011). Managerial autonomy, allocation of control rights, and optimal capital structure Review of Financial Studies, 24(10):3434--3485.
Beauchamp, JonathanP., Cesarini, D., Johannesson, M., Van Der Loos, MatthijsjH.M., Koellinger, PhilippD., Patrick, J.F.Groenen, Fowler, JamesH., Rosenquist, J.Niels, Thurik, A.Roy and Christakis, NicholasA. (2011). Molecular genetics and economics Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25(4):57--82.
Pesaran, H., Pick, A. and Timmermann, A. (2011). Variable selection, estimation and inference for multi-period forecasting problems Journal of Econometrics, 164(1):173--187.