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Home | People | Jan Tuinstra

Jan Tuinstra

Research Fellow

University of Amsterdam
Research field
Experimental Economics, Industrial Organization, Learning, Non-Linear Dynamics

List of publications

Hanaki, N., Hommes, C., Kopányi, D., Kopányi-Peuker, A. and Tuinstra, J. (2023). Forecasting returns instead of prices exacerbates financial bubbles Experimental Economics, 26(5):1185–1213.

de Jong, J., Sonnemans, J. and Tuinstra, J. (2022). The effect of futures markets on the stability of commodity prices Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 198:176--211.

Anufriev, M., Chernulich, A. and Tuinstra, J. (2022). Asset price volatility and investment horizons: An experimental investigation Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 193:19--48.

Dawid, H., Hanaki, N. and Tuinstra, J. (2020). Introduction for the special issue on 'Experimental and behavioral analyses in macroeconomics and finance' Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 110:.

Kopányi, D., Rabanal, J., Rud, O. and Tuinstra, J. (2019). Can competition between forecasters stabilize asset prices in learning to forecast experiments? Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 109:.

Anufriev, M., Bao, T., Sutan, A. and Tuinstra, J. (2019). Fee structure and mutual fund choice: An experiment Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 158:449--474.

Schmitt, N., Tuinstra, J. and Westerhoff, F. (2018). Stability and welfare effects of profit taxes within an evolutionary market interaction model Review of International Economics, 26(3):691--708.

Anufriev, M., Chernulich, A. and Tuinstra, J. (2018). A laboratory experiment on the heuristic switching model Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 91:21--42.

Schmitt, N., Tuinstra, J. and Westerhoff, F. (2017). Side effects of nonlinear profit taxes in an evolutionary market entry model: Abrupt changes, coexisting attractors and hysteresis problems Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 135:15--38.

Anufriev, M., Bao, T. and Tuinstra, J. (2016). Microfoundations for switching behavior in heterogeneous agent models: An experiment Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 129:74--99.

Tuinstra, J., Wegener, M. and Westerhoff, F. (2014). Positive welfare effects of trade barriers in a dynamic partial equilibrium model Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 48:246--264.

Commendatore, P., Sordi, S. and Tuinstra, J. (2014). Introduction to the Special Issue on 'Complex nonlinear dynamics in economic and spatial structures' Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 48:226--228.

Linde, J., Sonnemans, J. and Tuinstra, J. (2014). Strategies and evolution in the minority game: a multi-round strategy experiment Games and Economic Behavior, 86:77--95.

Anufriev, M. and Tuinstra, J. (2013). The impact of short-selling constraints on financial market stability in a heterogeneous agents model Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37(8):1523--1543.

Anufriev, M., Kopányi, D. and Tuinstra, J. (2013). Learning Cycles in Bertrand Competition with Differentiated Commodities and Competing Learning Rules Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37(12):2562--2581.

Heemeijer, P., Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J. and Tuinstra, J. (2012). An experimental study on expectations and learning in overlapping generations models Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 16(4):.

Bao, T., Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J. and Tuinstra, J. (2012). Individual expectations, limited rationality and aggregate outcomes Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36(8):1101--1120.

Dindo, P. and Tuinstra, J. (2011). A class of evolutionary models for participation games with negative feedback Computational Economics, 37(3):267--300.

Sadiraj, V., Tuinstra, J. and van Winden, F. (2010). Identification of voters with interest groups improves the electoral chances of the challenger Mathematical Social Sciences, 60(3):210--216.

Sonnemans, J. and Tuinstra, J. (2010). Positive expectations feedback experiments and number guessing games as models of financial markets Journal of Economic Psychology, 31(6):964--984.

Heemeijer, P., Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J. and Tuinstra, J. (2009). Price stability and volatility in markets with positive and negative expectations feedback: an experimental investigation Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 33(5):1052--1072.

Goppelsroeder, M., Schinkel, M. and Tuinstra, J. (2008). Quantifying the scope for efficiency defense in merger control: The Werden-Froeb-Index Journal of Industrial Economics, LVI(4):778--808.

Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J., Tuinstra, J. and van de Velden, H. (2008). Expectations and bubbles in asset pricing experiments Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 67(1):116--133.

Schinkel, M., Tuinstra, J. and Ruggeberg, J. (2008). Ilinois Walls: How barring indirect purchaser suits facilitates collusion RAND Journal of Economics, 39(3):683--698.

Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J., Tuinstra, J. and van de Velden, H. (2007). Learning in cobweb experiments Macroeconomic Dynamics, 11(S1):8--33.

Tuinstra, J. and Wagener, F. (2007). On learning equilibria Economic Theory, 30(3):493--513.

Sadiraj, V., Tuinstra, J. and van Winden, F.A.A.M. (2006). A computational electoral competition model with social clustering and endogenous interest groups as information brokers Public Choice, 129(1-2):169--187.

Schinkel, M. and Tuinstra, J. (2006). Imperfect competition law enforcement International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24(6):1267--1297.

Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J., Tuinstra, J. and van de Velden, H. (2005). Coordination of expectations in asset pricing experiments Review of Financial Studies, 18(3):955--980.

Sadiraj, V., Tuinstra, J. and van Winden, F.A.A.M. (2005). Interest group size dynamics and policymaking Public Choice, 125(3/4):271--303.

Kirman, A. and Tuinstra, J. (2005). Introduction for the special issue on 'Heterogeneity, bounded rationality and market dynamics' Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29(4):595--600.

Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J., Tuinstra, J. and van de Velden, H. (2005). A strategy experiment in dynamic asset pricing Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29(4):823--843.

Sonnemans, J., Hommes, C., Tuinstra, J. and van de Velden, H. (2004). The instability of a heterogeneous cobweb economy: a strategy experiment on expectation formation Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 54(4):453--481.

Tuinstra, J. (2004). Book review [Review of: T. Puu, I. Suhsko (2002) Oligopoly Dynamic: Models and Tools] Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 54(4):611--614.

Schinkel, M. and Tuinstra, J. (2004). Forced Freebies: A Note on Partial Deregulation with Pro Bono Supply Requirements Journal of Regulatory Economics, 26(2):177--187.

Neugart, M. and Tuinstra, J. (2003). Endogenous fluctuations in the demand for education Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 13(1):29--51.

Tuinstra, J. (2003). Beliefs equilibria in an overlapping generations model Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 50:145--164.

Schinkel, M., Tuinstra, J. and Vermeulen, D. (2002). Convergence of Baysian Learning to General Equilibrium in Mis-specified Models Journal of Mathematical Economics, 38(4):483--508.

Droste, E., Hommes, C. and Tuinstra, J. (2002). Endogenous Fluctuations under Evolutionary Pressure in Cournot competition Games and Economic Behavior, 40:232--269.

Tuinstra, J. (2000). A discrete and symmetric price adjustment process on the simplex Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 24:881--907.

Tuinstra, J. (2000). The emergence of political business cycles in a two-sector general equilibrium model European Journal of Political Economy, 16:509--534.

Tuinstra, J. and Weddepohl, H. (1999). On the equivalence between overlapping generations models and symmetric general equilibrium models Journal of Economics, 70(2):187--207.

Tuinstra, J. (1997). A price adjustment process with symmetry. Economics Letters, 57:297--303.