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23 key alumni publications

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  • Cotofan, M., Cassar, L., Dur, R. and Meijer, S. (2023). Macroeconomic Conditions When Young Shape Job Preferences for Life Review of Economics and Statistics, 105(2):467--473.
  • Enke, B., Gneezy, U., Hall, B., Martin, D., Nelidov, V., Offerman, T. and van de Ven, J. (2023). Cognitive Biases: Mistakes or Missing Stakes? Review of Economics and Statistics, 105(4):818–832.
  • Guggenberger, P., Kleibergen, F. and Mavroeidis, S. (2023). A Test for Kronecker Product Structure Covariance Matrix Journal of Econometrics, 223(1):88--112.
  • Teeselink, B.K., van den Assem, MartijnJ. and van Dolder, D. (2023). Does Losing Lead to Winning? An Empirical Analysis for Four Sports Management Science, 69(1):513--532.
  • De Haan, M., Gautier, PieterA., Oosterbeek, H. and van der Klaauw, B. (2023). The Performance of School Assignment Mechanisms in Practice Journal of Political Economy, 131(2):388--455.
  • Custodio João, I., Lucas, A., Schaumburg, J. and Schwaab, B. (2023). Dynamic clustering of multivariate panel data Journal of Econometrics, 237(2, Part B):1--18.
  • Cai, X., Gautier, P. and Wolthoff, R. (2023). MEETINGS AND MECHANISMS International Economic Review, 64(1):155--185.
  • Manduca, R., Hell, M., Adermon, A., Blanden, J., Bratberg, E., Gielen, A., van Kippersluis, H., Lee, K., Machin, S., Munk, MartinD., Nybom, M., Ostrovsky, Y., Rahman, S. and Sirniö, O. (2023). Measuring Absolute Income Mobility: Lessons from North America and Europe American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, :.
  • Albrecht, J., Cai, X., Gautier, P. and Vroman, S. (2023). On the foundations of competitive search equilibrium with and without market makers Journal of Economic Theory, 208:1--33.
  • Koning, P., Lindeboom, M. and Godard, M. (2022). Application and Award Responses to Stricter Screening in Disability Insurance Journal of Human Resources, :.
  • Zhu, H., Manconi, A. and Braggion, F. (2023). Household Credit and Regulatory Arbitrage: Evidence from Online Marketplace Lending Management Science, 69(10):6271--6292.
  • Hummel, A.J. and Jacobs, B. (2023). Optimal income taxation in unionized labor markets Journal of Public Economics, 220:1--30.
  • Menkveld, A., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Johanesson, M., Kirchler, M., Razen, M., Weitzel, U., Vladimirov, V., Caskurlu, T. and co-authors, O. (2023). Non-Standard Errors The Journal of Finance, :.
  • Kole, E. and van Dijk, D. (2023). Moments, shocks and spillovers in Markov-switching VAR models Journal of Econometrics, 236(2):.
  • Gautier, P., Hu, B. and Watanabe, M. (2023). Marketmaking Middlemen RAND Journal of Economics, 54(1):83--103.
  • Biais, B., Bisière, C., Bouvard, M., Casamatta, C. and Menkveld, AlbertJ. (2023). Equilibrium Bitcoin Pricing The Journal of Finance, 78(2):967--1014.
  • Blasques, F., Harvey, A.C., Koopman, S.J. and Lucas, A. (2023). Time-Varying Parameters in Econometrics: The editor's foreword Journal of Econometrics, 237(2):.
  • Buser, T. and Yuan, H. (2023). Public Speaking Aversion Management Science, 69(5):2746--2760.
  • Gorgi, P. and Koopman, S.J. (2023). Beta observation-driven models with exogenous regressors: A joint analysis of realized correlation and leverage effects Journal of Econometrics, 237(2):1--21.
  • Hummel, A. and Ziesemer, V. (2023). Food subsidies in general equilibrium Journal of Public Economics, 222:.