de Haan, M., Plug, E. and Rosero, J. (2014). Birth order and human capital development: evidence from Ecuador Journal of Human Resources, 49(2):359--392.
481 key alumni publications
Jacobs, B. and Boadway, R. (2014). Optimal linear commodity taxation under optimal non-linear income taxation Journal of Public Economics, 117(1):201--210.
Zu, Y. and Boswijk, H. (2014). Estimating spot volatility with high-frequency financial data Journal of Econometrics, 181(2):117--135.
Basturk, N., Cakmakli, C.(., Ceyhan, P. and van Dijk, H. (2014). Posterior-predictive evidence on US inflation using extended New Keynesian Phillips Curve models with non-filtered data Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29(7):1164--1182.
Sebastian Buhai (2014). Returns to Tenure or Seniority? Econometrica.
Zhou, F. and Oostendorp, R. (2014). Measuring True Sales and Underreporting with Matched Firm-Level Survey and Tax-Office Data Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(3):563--576.
Menkveld, A. and Hendershott, T. (2014). Price Pressures Journal of Financial Economics, 114(3):405--423.
Ductor, L., Fafchamps, M., Goyal, S. and van der Leij, M.J. (2014). Social networks and research output Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(5):936--948.
Jungbacker, B., Koopman, S. and van der Wel, M. (2014). Smooth Dynamic Factor Analysis with Application to the U.S. Term Structure of Interest Rates Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29(1):65--90.
Van Den Bremer, TonS. and Van Der Ploeg, F. (2013). Managing and harnessing volatile oil windfalls IMF Economic Review, 61(1):130--167.
Creal, D., Koopman, S. and Lucas, A. (2013). General Autoregressive Score Models with Applications Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28(5):777--795.
Moraga González, J.L., Sandor, Z. and Wildenbeest, M. (2013). Semi-Nonparametric Estimation of Consumer Search Costs Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28(7):1205--1223.
Groen, J.(., Paap, R. and Ravazzolo, F. (2013). Real-time Inflation Forecasting in a Changing World Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 31(1):29--44.
Delfgaauw, J., Dur, R., Sol, J.(. and Verbeke, W. (2013). Tournament Incentives in the Field: Gender Differences in the Workplace Journal of Labor Economics, 32(2):305--326.
Silva Montalva, H.E. and Verhoef, E. (2013). Optimal pricing of flights and passengers at congested airports and the efficiency of atomistic charges Journal of Public Economics, 106:1--13.
de Haan, L., de Vries, C. and Zhou, C. (2013). The number of active bidders in internet auctions Journal of Economic Theory, 148(4):1726--1736.
Koning, P. and van der Wiel, K. (2013). Ranking the schools: How school-quality information affects school choice in the Netherlands Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(2):466--493.
van der Klaauw, B. and van Ours, J.C. (2013). Carrot and stick: how reemployment bonuses and benefit sanctions affect exit rates from welfare Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28(2):275--296.
van den Brink, J.R., van der Laan, G. and Moes, N. (2013). A strategic implementation of the average tree solution for cycle-free graph games Journal of Economic Theory, 148(6):2737--2748.
Bilio, M., Casarin, R., Ravazzolo, F. and van Dijk, H. (2013). Time-varying combinations of predictive densities using nonlinear filtering Journal of Econometrics, 177(2):213--232.