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501 key alumni publications

  • Hoogerheide, L., Ravazzolo, F. and van Dijk, H.K. (2012). Comment on Forecast Rationality Tests Based on Multi-Horizon Bounds Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 30(1):30--33.
  • Gautier, P. and van der Klaauw, B. (2012). Selection in a field experiment with voluntary participation Journal of Applied Econometrics, 27(1):63--84.
  • Frank Windmeijer (2012). Instrumental variable estimators for binary outcomes Journal of the American Statistical Association.

  • van Veelen, M. (2012). [Review of: S. Bowles, H. Gintis (2011) A cooperative species: human reciprocity and its revolution] Journal of Economic Literature, 50(3):797--803.
  • Lindeboom, M., Montizaan, R. and de Grip, A. (2012). Shattered Dreams: The effect of Changing the Pensions System Late in the Game Economic Journal, 122(559):1--25.
  • Boswijk, H. and Klaassen, F. (2012). Why frequency matters for unit root testing in financial time series Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 30(3):351--357.
  • Koopman, S., Lucas, A. and Schwaab, B. (2012). Dynamic Factor Models With Macro, Frailty and Industry Effects for U.S. Default Counts: The Credit Crisis of 2008 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 30(4):521--532.
  • Francesco Lippi (2012). Durable consumption and asset management with transaction and observation costs American Economic Review.

  • van Ommeren, J.N. and Wentink, D. (2012). The (hidden) costs of employer parking policies International Economic Review, 53(3):965--978.
  • Francesco Lippi (2012). Oil and the macroeconomy: A quantitative structural analysis Journal of the European Economic Association.

  • Fok, D., Paap, R. and van Dijk, A. (2010). A Rank-Ordered Logit Model with Unobserved Heterogeneity in Ranking Capabilities Journal of Applied Econometrics, 27(5):831--846.
  • Geweke, J., Koop, G. and Paap, R. (2012). Editorial Introduction for the Annals Issue of the Journal of Econometrics on Bayesian Models, Methods and Applications Journal of Econometrics, 171(2):99--100.
  • Jacobs, B. and Schindler, D. (2012). On the desirability of taxing capital income in optimal social insurance Journal of Public Economics, 96(9-10):853--868.
  • de Jong, Ph., Lindeboom, M. and van der Klaauw, B. (2011). Screening disability insurance applications Journal of the European Economic Association, 9(1):106--129.
  • van den Berg, V.A.C. and Verhoef, E. (2011). Winning or losing from dynamic bottleneck congestion pricing? The distributional effects of road pricing with heterogeneity in values of time and schedule delay Journal of Public Economics, 95(7-8):983--992.
  • Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H., Sonnemans, J. and van der Klaauw, B. (2011). Incentives versus sorting in tournaments: evidence from a field experiment Journal of Labor Economics, 29(3):637--658.
  • Hendershott, T., Jones, M. and Menkveld, A. (2011). Does algorithmic trading improve liquidity The Journal of Finance, 66(1):1--33.
  • Janssens, W. (2011). Externalities in program evaluation: the impact of a women’s empowerment program on immunization Journal of the European Economic Association, 9(6):1082--1113.
  • Holmlund, H., Lindahl, M. and Plug, E. (2011). The causal effect of parents' schooling on children's schooling: a comparison of estimation methods Journal of Economic Literature, 49(3):615--651.
  • Koopman, S., Lucas, A. and Schwaab, B. (2011). Modeling frailty correlated defaults using many macroeconomic covariates Journal of Econometrics, 162(2):312--325.