Enrico Pennings
List of publications
Liu, Z., Du, Y. and Pennings, E. (2024). Open knowledge disclosure and firm value: a signalling theory perspective Industry and Innovation, 31(4):475--500.
Kerkemezos, Y., Pennings, E., Karreman, B. and van Reeven, P. (2023). Price asymmetries and the path dependence of market power: Evidence from the U.S. airline industry International Journal of Industrial Organization, 87:.
Chung, B., Franses, P.H. and Pennings, E. (2023). Conditions that make ventures thrive: from individual entrepreneur to innovation impact Small Business Economics, 62(3):1177--1200.
Pennings, E. (2016). Real Options with Ex-Post Division of the Surplus Journal of Banking and Finance, 81:200--206.
de Vries, A., Pennings, E., Block, J. and Fisch, C. (2017). Trademark or patent? The effects of market concentration, customer type and venture capital financing on start-ups’ initial IP applications Industry and Innovation, 24(4):325--345.
Altomonte, C., Colantone, I. and Pennings, E. (2016). Heterogeneous firms and asymmetric product differentiation Journal of Industrial Economics, 64(4):835--874.
Bhaskarabhatla, A. and Pennings, E. (2014). Defensive Disclosure of Patentable Inventions under Antitrust Enforcement Industry and Innovation, 21(7):533--552.
Pennings, E. and Sereno, L.(. (2011). Evaluating Pharmaceutial R&D udner Technical and Economic Uncertainty European Journal of Operational Research, 212(2):374--385.
Pennings, E. (2011). Unionization Structure, Licensing and Innovation International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29(2):232--241.
van Bekkum, S., Smit, J.T.J. and Pennings, E. (2011). Buy Smart, Time Smart: Are Takeovers Driven by Growth Options or Mispricing? Financial Management, 40(4):911--940.
Duso, T., Pennings, E. and Seldeslachts, J. (2010). Learning dynamics in research alliances: A panel data analysis Research Policy, 39(6):776--789.
van Bekkum, S., Pennings, E. and Smit, H. (2009). A Real Options Perspective on R&D Portfolio Diversification Research Policy, 38(7):1150--1158.
Altomonte, C. and Pennings, E. (2008). Learning from foreign investment by rival firms: theory and evidence International Journal of Industrial Organization, 26(5):1203--1217.
Pennings, E. (2008). Privatization of real options Journal of Comparative Economics, 36(3):489--497.
Coucke, K., Pennings, E. and Sleuwaegen, L. (2007). Employee layoff under different modes of restructuring exit, downsizing or relocation Industrial and Corporate Change, 16(2):161--182.
Mukherjee, A. and Pennings, E. (2007). Corrigendum to 'Tariffs, licensing and market structure'. [European Economic Review 50, (2006), 1699-1707)] (DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2005.08.005) European Economic Review, 51(5):1327--1328.
Mukherjee, A. and Pennings, E. (2006). Tariffs, licensing and market structure European Economic Review, 50:1699--1707.
Pennings, E. and Altomonte, C. (2006). The Hazard Rate of Foreign Direct Investment: A Structural Estimation of a Real-option Model Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 68(5):569--593.
Sleuwaegen, L. and Pennings, E. (2006). International Relocation of Production: Where do Firms Go? Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 53(4):430--446.
Pennings, E. (2005). How to Maximize Domestic Benefits from Foreign Investments: The Effect of Irreversibility and Uncertainty Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29:873--889.
Pennings, E. (2004). Imitation, Patent Protection and Welfare Oxford Economic Papers, 56:715--733.
Pennings, E. (2004). Optimal Pricing and Quality Choice when Investment in Quality is Irreversible Journal of Industrial Economics, 52:569--589.
Pennings, E. and Sleuwaegen, L. (2004). The choice and timing of foreign direct investment under uncertainty Economic Modelling, 21(6):1101--1115.
Lint, O. and Pennings, E. (2003). The V-shaped value evolution of R&D projects Applied Economics Letters, 10(1):27--32.
Pennings, E. (2001). Price or quantity setting under uncertain demand and capacity constraints: An examination of the profits Journal of Economics, 74:157--171.
Pennings, E. and Lint, L.(. (2000). Market Introduction, Phased Rollout or Abandonment? A Real Option Approach European Journal of Operational Research, 124:125--138.
Pennings, E. (2000). Taxes and Stimuli of Investment under Uncertainty European Economic Review, 44:383--391.
Sleuwaegen, L. and Pennings, E. (2000). International relocation: Firm and industry determinants Economics Letters, 67(2):179--186.
Pennings, E. (1998). How to Finance your Investment Opportunity Internally: A Note The Journal of Futures Markets, 18:599--604.
Pennings, E. and Lint, O. (1997). The option value of advanced R & D European Journal of Operational Research, 103(1):83--94.