Lorenzo Pozzi
Key publications

List of publications
Gardberg, M. and Pozzi, L. (2022). Aggregate consumption and wealth in the long run: The impact of financial liberalization Journal of Applied Econometrics, 37(1):161--186.
Everaert, G. and Pozzi, L. (2022). Encompassing measures of international consumption risk sharing and their link with trade and financial globalization Journal of Applied Econometrics, 37(2):433--449.
Berger, T., Everaert, G. and Pozzi, L. (2021). Testing for international business cycles: A multilevel factor model with stochastic factor selection Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 128:.
Pozzi, L. and Sadaba, B. (2018). Detecting scapegoat effects in the relationship between exchange rates and macroeconomic fundamentals: a new approach Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcom.:1--44.
Pozzi, L., Everaert, G. and Schoonackers, R. (2017). On the stability of the excess sensitivity of aggregate consumption growth in the US Journal of Applied Econometrics, 32(4):819--840.
Adema, Y. and Pozzi, L. (2015). Business cycle fluctuations and household saving in OECD countries: a panel data analysis European Economic Review, 79:214--233.
Pozzi, L. (2015). The time-varying volatility of earnings and aggregate consumption growth Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 47(4):551--580.
Pozzi, L. and Everaert, G. (2014). The predictability of aggregate consumption growth in OECD countries Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29(3):431--453.
Pozzi, L. and Berger, T. (2013). Measuring time-varying financial market integration: an unobserved component approach Journal of Banking and Finance, 37(2):463--473.
Pozzi, L. and Wolswijk, G. (2012). The time-varying integration of euro area government bond markets European Economic Review, 56(1):36--53.
Pozzi, L. (2010). Idiosyncratic Labour income Risk and Aggregate Consumption: an unobserved component approach Journal of Macroeconomics, 32(1):169--184.
Pozzi, L. and Peersman, G. (2008). Business cycle fluctuations and excess sensitivity of private consumption Economica, 75(299):514--523.
Pozzi, L. and Everaert, G. (2007). Bootstap-based bias correction for dynamic panels Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31(4):1160--1184.
Pozzi, L. and Heylen, F. (2007). Crises and human capital accumulation Canadian Journal of Economics, 40(4):1261--1285.
Pozzi, L. and Malengier, G. (2007). Certainty equivalence and the excess sensitivity of private consumption Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 39(7):189--1848.
Pozzi, L. (2006). Ricardian equivalence under imperfect information Journal of Public Economics, 90:2009--2026.
Pozzi, L., Heylen, F. and Dossche, M. (2004). Government debt and the excess sensitivity of private consumption: estimates from OECD countries Economic Inquiry, 42(4):618--633.
Pozzi, L. (2003). The coefficient of relative risk aversion: a Monte Carlo study investigating small sample estimator problems Economic Modelling, 20(5):923--940.
Pozzi, L. (2003). Tax discounting in a high debt economy Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 65(3):261--282.