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Lina Zhang

Research Fellow

University of Amsterdam
Research field
Econometric Methodology, Microeconometrics, Networks, Panel Data, Policy Evaluation


Lina is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Quantitative Economics Section at the University of Amsterdam. Her research interests mainly lie in unsolved econometrics problems in applied works. In particular, she is interested in identification and estimation issues with instrumental variables, measurement errors, and network interference, aiming at providing a better understanding to empirical causal analysts who study program and policy evaluation.

List of publications

Tommasi, D. and Zhang, L. (2024). Bounding Program Benefits When Participation Is Misreported Journal of Econometrics, 238(1):.

Tommasi, D. and Zhang, L. (2024). Identifying program benefits when participation is misreported Journal of Applied Econometrics, :1123--1148.

Frazier, DavidT., Renault, E., Zhang, L. and Zhao, X. (2024). Weak Identification in Discrete Choice Models Journal of Econometrics, :.

Chu, C., Liu, N. and Zhang, L. (2017). Significance test in nonstationary logit panel model with serially correlated dependent variable Economics Letters, :.

Chu, C., Liu, N. and Zhang, L. (2016). Significance test in nonstationary multinomial logit model Economics Letters, :.