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Home | People | Erik Ansink

Erik Ansink

Research Fellow

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research field
Spatial Economics
Environmental Economics, Field Experiments, Game Theory, Political Economy, Resource Economics

List of publications

Tomori, F., Ansink, E., Houba, H., Hagerty, N. and Bos, CharlesS. (2024). Market power in California's water market American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 106(3):1274--1299.

Ansink, E., Wijk, L. and Zuidmeer, F. (2022). No clue about bioplastics Ecological Economics, 191:1--13.

Ansink, E., Weikard, H. and Withagen, C. (2019). International environmental agreements with support Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 97:241--252.

Ansink, E., Gengenbach, M. and Weikard, H.P. (2017). River coalitions and water trade Oxford Economic Papers, 69(2):453--469.

Ansink, E., Tesfaye, A., Bouma, J. and Brouwer, R. (2017). Cooperation in watershed management: A field experiment on location, trust, and enforcement Resource and Energy Economics, 50:91--104.

van Besouw, B., Ansink, E. and van Bavel, B. (2016). The economics of violence in natural states Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 132:139--156.

Ansink, E. and Houba, H. (2016). Sustainable Agreements on Stochastic River Flow Resource and Energy Economics, 44:92--117.

Ansink, E. and Weikard, H. (2015). Composition properties in the river claims problem Social Choice and Welfare, 44(4):807--831.

Bouma, J., Joy, K., Paranjape, S. and Ansink, E. (2014). The Influence of Legitimacy Perceptions on Cooperation – A Framed Field Experiment World Development, 57:127--137.

Ansink, E. and Houba, H. (2012). Market power in water markets Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 64(2):237--252.

Ansink, E. and Weikard, H. (2012). Sequential sharing rules for river sharing problems Social Choice and Welfare, 38(2):187--210.

Groeneveld, R., Ansink, E., van de Wiel, C. and Wesseler, J. (2011). Benefits and costs of biologically contained GM tomatoes and eggplants in Italy and Spain Sustainability, 3(8):1265--1281.

Ansink, E. (2011). The Arctic scramble: introducing claims in a contest mode European Journal of Political Economy, 27:693--707.

Ansink, E. (2010). Refuting two claims about virtual water trade Ecological Economics, 69(10):2027--2032.

Ansink, E. and Weikard, H.P. (2009). Contested water rights European Journal of Political Economy, 25(2):247--260.

Ansink, E. and Ruijs, A. (2008). Climate change and the stability of water allocation agreements Environmental and Resource Economics, 41(2):249--266.