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Home | Graduate program | Course Registration

Course registration

for Research Master students, PhD students and external participants

All regular TI courses are taught in blocks of eight weeks, with lectures during the first six (core courses) or seven weeks; the eighth week of each block typically serves as an exam week. In addition, first-year (core) courses have weekly one-hour tutorials, taught by a teaching assistant, in which students work on and discuss homework assignments.

Deadline for registration is three weeks before the start of the block in which the course is scheduled. Deadline for courses scheduled in block I: August 15.

The academic calendar for 2023-2024:

Block 0 Aug 28-Sept 1 Lectures
Block I Sept 4 –Oct 20 Lectures
  Oct 23-27 Exams
Block II Oct 30-Dec 15 Lectures
  Dec 18-22 Exams
  Dec 25 - Jan 5 Christmas Holidays
Block III Jan 8 -Feb 23 Lectures
  Feb 26 - Mar 1 Exams
Block IV Mar 4 -Apr 19 Lectures
  Apr 22-26 Exams
 Block V Apr 29 - May 3 Spring Break
  May 6 - Jul 12 Lectures and Exams

 The academic calendar for 2024-2025: 

Block 0 Aug 26 -30 Introduction and refresher courses
Block I Sept 2 – Oct 18 Lectures
  Oct 21 -25 Exams
Block II Oct 28 - Dec 13 Lectures
  Dec 16 -20 Exams
  Dec 21 - Jan 5 Christmas Holidays
Block III Jan 6 - Feb 21 Lectures
  Feb 24 - 28 Exams
Block IV Mar 3 - Apr 17 Lectures
  Apr 22 - 25 Exams
 Block V Apr 28 - July 11 Lectures and Exams