Meet the Lecturers for Applied Public Policy Evaluation
Applied Public Policy Evaluation
Bas van der Klaauw 
Bas van der Klaauw is professor in policy evaluation at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. For his research, he uses microeconometric methods for causal analysis in the fields of labor, education and health. Bas van der Klaauw recently published in the Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Human Resources and Journal of Applied Econometrics. Bas van der Klaauw teaches Microeconomics and Econometrics with a focus on causal evaluation.
Since October 2023, Bas van der Klaauw is the director of Tinbergen Institute. This is the research school of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam that hosts research master programs in Economics, Econometrics, Finance and in Business Data Science.
In 2008, Bas van der Klaauw received an ERC Starting Grant, in 2016 a VICI grant from NWO and in 2024 an NWO Open Competition L grant. Currently, he is associated to IZA-Bonn and CEPR-London.
Pierre Koning
Pierre Koning is full professor “Economics of social insurance and the Labor Market” at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Until December 2015, Pierre was employed as a Chief Science Officer at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment in the Netherlands. Pierre obtained his PhD at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – with his thesis focusing on job search models for the labor market. His special interest lies in the field of welfare-to-work services and disability insurance – here most of his international publications are also focused on. He also is affiliated with IZA and Tinbergen Institute.
Pierre has published many studies in the field of active labor market policies, disability insurance and public sector incentives. Amongst others, his work has been published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, the Journal of Human Resources, the Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, and The Journal of the European Economic Associations.
Summer School