Ikefuji, M., Laeven, RogerJ.A., Magnus, JanR. and Yue, Y. (2022). Earthquake Risk Embedded in Property Prices: Evidence From Five Japanese Cities Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117(537):82--93.
845 Key Publications
Andonov, A. and Rauh, J. (2022). The Return Expectations of Public Pension Funds Review of Financial Studies, 35(8):3777–3822.
Dias Pereira, R., Rietveld, N. and van Kippersluis, H. (2022). The Interplay between Maternal Smoking and Genes in Offspring Birth Weight Journal of Human Resources, :.
Konig, M., Hsieh, C. and Liu, X. (2022). A Structural Model for the Coevolution of Networks and Behavior Review of Economics and Statistics, 104(2):355--367.
Agostinelli, F., Doepke, M., Sorrenti, G. and Zilibotti, F. (2022). When the great equalizer shuts down: Schools, peers, and parents in pandemic times Journal of Public Economics, 206:.
Blasques, F., Koopman, S.J. and Nientker, M. (2022). A time-varying parameter model for local explosions Journal of Econometrics, 227(1):65--84.
Almeida, C. and Freire, G. (2022). Pricing of index options in incomplete markets Journal of Financial Economics, 144(1):174--205.
Hendershott, T., Menkveld, AlbertJ., Praz, R. and Seasholes, M. (2022). Asset Price Dynamics with Limited Attention Review of Financial Studies, 35(2):962--1008.
Wakker, PeterP. (2022). Transforming Ordinal Riskless Utility into Cardinal Risky Utility: A Comment on Chung, Glimcher, and Tymula (2019) American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 14(2):561--565.
Houba, H., Li, D. and Wen, Q. (2022). Bargaining with costly competition for the right to propose Journal of Mathematical Economics, 98:1--9.
Baley, I., Figueiredo, A. and Ulbricht, R. (2022). Mismatch Cycles Journal of Political Economy, :.
Denter, P., Morgan, J. and Sisak, D. (2021). Showing Off or Laying Low? The Economics of Psych-outs American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, :.
Dur, R., Fleming, D., Van Garderen, M. and Van Lent, M. (2021). A Social Norm Nudge to Save More: A Field Experiment at a Retail Bank Journal of Public Economics, 200:.
Oosterbeek, H., Sóvágó, S. and van der Klaauw, B. (2021). Preference heterogeneity and school segregation Journal of Public Economics, 197:1--26.
Hommes, C. (2021). Behavioral and experimental macroeconomics and policy analysis: A complex systems approach Journal of Economic Literature, 59(1):149--219.
Khadjavi, M., Sipangule, K. and Thiele, R. (2021). Social Capital and Large-Scale Agricultural Investments:An Experimental Investigation: An Experimental Investigation Economic Journal, 131(633):420--449.
Ben-David, I. and Bos, M. (2021). Impulsive Consumption and Financial Well-Being: Evidence from an Increase in the Availability of Alcohol Review of Financial Studies, 34(5):2608--2647.
Zou, Z., van den Brink, R. and Funaki, Y. (2021). Compromising between the proportional and equal division values Journal of Mathematical Economics, 97:.
Egebark, J., Ekström, M., Plug, E. and van Praag, M. (2021). Brains or beauty? Causal evidence on the returns to education and attractiveness in the online dating market Journal of Public Economics, 196:.
Juodis, A., Karabiyik, H. and Westerlund, J. (2021). On the robustness of the pooled CCE estimator Journal of Econometrics, 220(2):325--348.