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Theo Offerman

Research Fellow

University of Amsterdam
Research field
Behavioral Economics
Auctions, Experimental Economics, Game Theory, Public Economics

Key publications

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List of publications

Enke, B., Gneezy, U., Hall, B., Martin, D., Nelidov, V., Offerman, T. and van de Ven, J. (2023). Cognitive Biases: Mistakes or Missing Stakes? Review of Economics and Statistics, 105(4):818–832.

Gneezy, U., Nelidov, V., Offerman, T. and van de Ven, J. (2023). When opportunities backfire: Alternatives reduce perseverance and success in task completion Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 208:304--324.

Soraperra, I., Köbis, N., Shalvi, S., Vogt, S., Efferson, C. and Offerman, T. (2023). A market for integrity. The use of competition to reduce bribery in education Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 107:.

Ioannidis, K., Offerman, T. and Sloof, R. (2022). Lie detection: A strategic analysis of the Verifiability Approach American Law and Economics Review, 24:659--705.

van Leeuwen, B., Offerman, T. and van de Ven, J. (2022). Fight or Flight: Endogenous Timing in Conflicts Review of Economics and Statistics, 104(2):217–231.

Offerman, T., Romagnoli, G. and Ziegler, A. (2021). Why Are Open Ascending Auctions Popular? The Role of Information Aggregation and Behavioral Biases Quantitative Economics, :.

Charness, G., Garcia, T., Offerman, T. and Villeval, M. (2020). Do measures of risk attitude in the laboratory predict behavior under risk in and outside of the laboratory? Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 60(2):99--123.

van Leeuwen, B., Offerman, T. and Schram, A. (2020). Competition for Status Creates Superstars: An Experiment on Public Good Provision and Network Formation Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(2):666--707.

Smerdon, D., Offerman, T. and Gneezy, U. (2020). ‘Everybody’s doing it’: on the persistence of bad social norms Experimental Economics, 23(2):392--420.

He, S., Offerman, T. and van de Ven, J. (2019). The power and limits of sequential communication in coordination games Journal of Economic Theory, 181:238--273.

Kopányi-Peuker, A., Offerman, T. and Sloof, R. (2018). Team production benefits from a permanent fear of exclusion European Economic Review, 103:125--149.

Hu, A., Offerman, T. and Zou, L. (2018). How risk sharing may enhance efficiency of English auctions Economic Journal, 128(610):1235--1256.

Jagau, S. and Offerman, T. (2018). Defaults, normative anchors, and the occurrence of risky and cautious shifts Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 56(3):211--236.

de Haan, T., Offerman, T. and Sloof, R. (2017). Discrimination in the labour market: the curse of competition between workers Economic Journal, 127(603):1433–1466.

Kopányi-Peuker, A., Offerman, T. and Sloof, R. (2017). Fostering cooperation through the enhancement of own vulnerability Games and Economic Behavior, 101:273--290.

Offerman, T. and Palley, A. (2016). Lossed in translation: an off-the-shelf method to recover probablistic beliefs from loss-averse agents Experimental Economics, 19(1):1--30.

de Groot Ruiz, A., Offerman, T. and Onderstal, S. (2015). Equilibrium selection in experimental cheap talk games Games and Economic Behavior, 91:14--25.

Offerman, T. and van der Veen, A. (2015). How to subsidize contributions to public goods: Does the frog jump out of the boiling water? European Economic Review, 74:96--108.

de Haan, T., Offerman, T. and Sloof, R. (2015). Money talks? An experimental investigation of cheap talk and burned money International Economic Review, 56(4):1385--1426.

Nosenzo, D., Offerman, T., Sefton, M. and van der Veen, A. (2014). Encouraging compliance: bonuses versus fines in inspection games Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 30(3):623--648.

de Groot Ruiz, A., Offerman, T. and Onderstal, S. (2014). For those about to talk we salute you: an experimental study of credible deviations and ACDC Experimental Economics, 17(2):173--199.

Goeree, J., Offerman, T. and Sloof, R. (2013). Demand reduction and preemptive bidding in multi-unit license auctions Experimental Economics, 16(1):52--87.

Hu, A., Offerman, T. and Onderstal, S. (2011). Fighting collusion in auctions: an experimental investigation International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29(1):84--96.

de Haan, T., Offerman, T. and Sloof, R. (2011). Noisy signaling: theory and experiment Games and Economic Behavior, 73(2):402--428.

Hu, A., Offerman, T. and Zou, L. (2011). Premium auctions and risk preferences Journal of Economic Theory, 146(6):2420--2439.

Offerman, T. and Schotter, A. (2009). Imitation and luck: an experimental study on social sampling Games and Economic Behavior, 65(2):461--502.

Offerman, T., Sonnemans, J., van de Kuilen, G. and Wakker, P. (2009). A Truth-Serum for Non-Bayesians: Correcting Proper Scoring Rules for Risk Attitudes Review of Economic Studies, 76(4):1461--1489.

Eliaz, K., Offerman, T. and Schotter, A. (2008). Creating competition out of thin air: an experimental study of right-to-choose auctions Games and Economic Behavior, 62(2):383--416.

Goeree, J., Offerman, T. and Schram, A. (2006). Using first-price auctions to sell heterogeneous licenses International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24(3):555--581.

Offerman, T. and Potters, J. (2006). Does auctioning of entry licenses induce collusion? An experimental study Review of Economic Studies, 73(3):769--791.

Goeree, J. and Offerman, T. (2004). The Amsterdam Auction Econometrica, 72(1):281--294.

Offerman, T. and Sonnemans, J. (2004). What's Causing Overreaction? An Experimental Investigation of Recency and the Hot Hand Effect The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 106:533--553.

Goeree, J. and Offerman, T. (2003). Winner's Curse without Overbidding European Economic Review, 47:625--644.

Goeree, J. and Offerman, T. (2003). Competitive Bidding in Auctions with Private and Common Values Economic Journal, 113:598--614.

Offerman, T. (2002). Hurting Hurts More Than Helping Helps European Economic Review, 46:1423--1437.

Offerman, T., Potters, J. and Sonnemans, J. (2002). Imitation and Belief Learning in an Oligopoly Experiment Review of Economic Studies, 96:973--997.

Guth, W., Offerman, T., Potters, J., Strobel, M. and Verbon, H. (2002). Are Family Transfers Crowded Out by Public Transfers? The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 104(4):587--604.

Cox, J., Offerman, T., Olson, M. and Schram, A. (2002). Competition For vs On the Rails: A Laboratory Experiment International Economic Review, 43:709--736.

Goeree, J. and Offerman, T. (2002). Efficiency in Auctions with Private and Common Values: An Experimental Study American Economic Review, 92(3):625--643.

Offerman, T., Potters, J. and Verbon, H. (2001). Cooperation in an Overlapping Generations Experiment Games and Economic Behavior, 36:264--275.

Offerman, T., Sonnemans, J. and Schram, A. (2001). Expectation Formation in Step-Level Public Good Games Economic Inquiry, 39(2):250--269.

Sonnemans, J., Schram, A. and Offerman, T. (1999). Strategic Behavior in Public Good Games: When Partners Drift Apart Economics Letters, 62(1):35--41.

Sonnemans, J., Schram, A. and Offerman, T. (1998). Public good provision and public bad prevention: The effect of framing. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 34:143--161.

Offerman, T., Schram, A. and Sonnemans, J. (1998). Quantal response models in step-level public good games European Journal of Political Economy, 14(1):89--100.

Offerman, T. and Sonnemans, J. (1998). Learning by experience and learning by imitating successful others. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 34(4):559--575.

Offerman, T., Sonnemans, J. and Schram, A. (1996). Value orientations, expectations and voluntary contributions in public goods Economic Journal, 106(437):817--845.

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