Anne Gielen has been awarded an NWO VIDI Grant of € 800,000
Anne Gielen
The research of Anne Gielen aims to further understanding of causal intergenerational relationships in welfare receipt by exploiting various quasi-natural experiments combined with ‘big data’. First, it investigates the extent to which welfare receipt in childhood has long term effects on socio-economic and health outcomes in adulthood, including reliance on welfare. In addition, it studies two critical mechanisms through which welfare dependency may be transmitted from one generation to the next, and investigates how dependency evolves over multiple generations. Finally, it extends the focus to the entire life cycle, identifying whether there exist critical phases over the life cycle where the impact of parental welfare dependency on next generations’ outcomes is largest.
The findings of this research can help improve the design of welfare policy by indicating whether, when, and how public policies should target children in welfare receiving families.