9th Tinbergen Institute Conference: 70Years Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
Speaker(s)Keynotes: Geir B. Asheim (University of Oslo, Norway), Mamoru Kaneko (Waseda University, Japan)t, Inés Macho Stadler (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), George J. Mailath (University of Pennsylvania, United States), Karl Schlag (University of Vienna, Austria), Roberto Serrano (Brown University, Unied States), William Thomson (University of Rochester, United States) et al.
LocationTinbergen Institute – Auditorium
Amsterdam -
Date and time
June 25 2014, 08:30 until June 27 2014, 17:30
The conference aims to provide an overview of the advances that Game Theory has brought to the field of economics and to bring out new challenges for the future. For this, leading researchers in Game Theory will give lectures on different topics in both non-cooperative and cooperative game theory and their applications to the field of economics covering a variety of areas in Economics as experimental economics, behavioural economics, information economics, industrial organization, political economy, evolutionary growth and public and welfare economics.
John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern published in 1944 their book
“Theory of games and economic behavior”. In 2014 we celebrate the 70th
anniversary of this seminal work, which has changed forever the way in
which economics is analysed and understood.
these 70 years, the relevance of Game Theory for the development of
Economic Theory has been clearly shown. As recognition of the
achievements that Game Theory has brought to Economics, eight game
theorists have received the Nobel Prize in Economics. In 1994, John F.
Nash, Reinhard Selten and John C. Harsanyi became Economics Nobel for
their pioneering analysisof equilibria in the theory of non-cooperative
games. In 2005, Robert J. Aumann and Thomas C. Schelling achieved the
Nobel Prize in Economics for having enhanced our understanding of
conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis. In 2007, Leonid
Hurwicz, Eric S. Maskin and Roger B. Myerson received the Nobel Prize in
Economics for having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory.
Many other Nobel-prize winners in Economics, such as George Akerlof,
Finn Kydland, James Mirrlees, Edward Prescott, Michael Spence, Joseph
Stiglitz and William Vickrey made contributions that fit the
Game-Theoretic paradigm.
Keynote Speakers:
Geir B. Asheim (University of Oslo, Norway) - Generations playing a Chichilnisky Game
Mamoru Kaneko, (Waseda University, Japan) - Undecidability: Prediction/Decision Making in Games
Inés Macho Stadler, (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) - Coexistence of Long-Term and Short-Term Contracts
George J. Mailath (University of Pennsylvania, United States) - Repeated Games and Reputations
Karl Schlag (University of Vienna, Austria) - Commitments, Intentions, Truth and Nash Equilibria
Roberto Serrano (Brown University, United States) - Slutsky Matrix Norms and the Size of Bounded Rationality
William Thomson (University of Rochester, United States) - Axiomatic and Game-theoretic Analysis of Bankruptcy and Taxation Problems: An Update
Rakesh Vohra (Northwestern Unviersity, United States) - On Market Fragmentation
Jörgen Weibull, (Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden) - Tenable blocks and Settled Equilibria
Peyton Young (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) - Learning by Trial and Error
Invited speakers:
Salvador Barberà (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) - Sequential Voting and Agenda Manipulation
Francis Bloch, (Université Paris 1, France) - Expectation Formation Rules and the Core of Partition Function Games
Eric van Damme (Tilburg University) - Law Enforcement under Imperfect Corporate Governance
Arantza Estévez-Fernández (Tinbergen Institute and VU Amsterdam) - New Characterizations of Largeness of the Core
Jean-Jacques Herings (Maastricht University) - Stability of networks under limited farsightedness
Maria Montero (The University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) - Bargaining in Weighted Majority Games
Hans Peters (Maastricht University) - Indirect Control and Power in Mutual Control Structures
Arno Riedl (Maastricht University) - Fairness and Coordination: the Role of Fairness Principles in Coordination Failure and Success
Guido Schäfer (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) - Inefficiency of Standard Multi-Unit Auctions
Matthijs van Veelen (University of Amsterdam) - In and out of equilibrium: evolution in repeated games