Modern Challenges to Monetary Policy
CandidateGavin Goy (University of Amsterdam)
LocationUniversity of Amsterdam, Agnietenkapel
Amsterdam -
Date and time
November 18, 2019
14:00 - 15:30
The decade following the Financial Crisis of 2008-09 has illustrated that monetary policy faces several challenges. This thesis aims to make a step in the direction of identifying and better understanding four such modern challenges to monetary policy.
The first challenge, identified in Chapter 1, is
particular to monetary unions and arises if economic agents largely base their
expectations on domestic variables, and less so on foreign variables. We show
that such a home bias creates
cross-country heterogeneity in expectations and may cause country-specific
disturbances to generate larger and more prolonged macroeconomic imbalances.
The second challenge, which is central to Chapter 2,
concerns the effect of central bank communication of expected future monetary
policy, so-called forward guidance,
once nominal interest rates are constrained by their effective lower bound.
Different from the common literature, this chapter explicitly allows for
imperfect and endogenous central bank credibility when studying the effects of
forward guidance by assuming that private agents are boundedly rational.
The third challenge lies in the vulnerability of open
economies to sudden shifts in cross-border capital flows as highlighted by the recent
experience of the euro area sovereign debt crisis. In Chapter 3, we show novel
empirical evidence of the transmission of such country-risk premium shocks and then turn to a structural model in
order to find a normative answer to the question of whether capital controls
can help to mitigate the negative effects of these shocks.
The fourth challenge to monetary policy discussed in
this thesis arises from the protracted decline in interest rates across developed
economies since the 1980s.In Chapter 4, we show that the observed decline in
yields appears more due to a fall in equilibrium interest rates and less to a
decline in term premia than typically reported.