Bayesian Dynamic Tensor Tegression
SeriesSeminars Econometric Institute
Speaker(s)Monica Billio (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy)
LocationErasmus University, Mandeville building, Room T3-14
Rotterdam -
Date and time
November 21, 2019
16:00 - 17:30
data (i.e. multidimensional data) are becoming increasingly available and call
for suitable econometric tools. We propose a new dynamic linear regression
model for tensor-valued response variables and covariates that encompasses some
well-known multivariate models as special cases. We exploit the PARAFAC
low-rank decomposition for providing a parsimonious parametrization and to
incorporate sparsity effects. Our contribution is twofold: first, we extend
multivariate econometric models to account for tensor-valued response and
covariates; second, we define a tensor autoregressive process (TAR) and the
associated impulse response function for studying shock propagation. Inference
is carried out in the Bayesian framework combined with Monte Carlo Markov Chain
(MCMC). We apply the TAR model for studying time-varying multilayer economic
networks concerning international trade and international capital stocks. We
provide an impulse response analysis for assessing propagation of trade and
financial shocks across countries, over time and between layers.
Co-authors: Roberto Casarin, Matteo Iacopini and Sylvia Kaufmann