Webinar: The Seeds of Ideology: Historical Immigration and Political Preferences in the United States
SeriesResearch on Monday
Speaker(s)Marco Tabellini (Harvard Business School, United States)
FieldEmpirical Microeconomics
Date and time
May 25, 2020
16:00 - 17:00
countries of origin, and that these preferences have persisted until today.
Consistent with this hypothesis, our results are stronger when inter-group contact between natives and immigrants, measured with either intermarriage or residential integration, was higher. Our findings also indicate that immigrants influenced American political ideology during one of the largest episodes of redistribution in US history – the New Deal – and that such effects persisted after the initial shock (with Paola Giolano, UCLA)
Some information and suggestions:
- If you want to attend this online seminar, you need to register here. You will then be sent by email the details of the zoom session.
- Your microphone will be on mute upon joining the meeting, please leave it like that and unmute it only if you want to ask a question.
- Asking questions: please just go ahead and ask questions in the “usual way” (ie, don’t use the chat unless you want to notify me/host of any problem related to seminar; Heather will not be checking the chat, just reacting to oral questions).
- Please use the registration form to register for a Zoom bilateral with Marco on Monday. Note that slots are more limited than on a usual campus visit (and are open to UvA and VU as this is not a Rotterdam only seminar). If demand is high, meetings may be shorter than usual and priority will be given to PhD students and to colleagues for whom the meeting is more important/urgent. Therefore, please mention this briefly in your email, as well as availability on Monday 25.
- Please register and request a bilateral before Wednesday 20 May, 15h00.