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Home | Events Archive | Nederlandse Economenweek

Nederlandse Economenweek

  • Speaker
    Sendhil Mullainathan (University of Chicago) et al.
  • Location
  • Date

    November 16, 2020 until November 20, 2020

This year the Royal Dutch Economic Association KVS organizes the "Dutch Economists Week" from November 16 to 20. During this week, each afternoon two sessions will be livestreamed. Some of the sessions focus on policy issues, others on academic research. The policy sessions are in Dutch, the academic sessions are in English. Participating in the online event is free of charge for members of the Royal Dutch Economic Association KVS.

On Friday, November 20, 16:00-17:00, the event will be closed with the annual KVS Tinbergenlezing, which this year will be held by Sendhil Mullainathan (University of Chicago). He will address the question: "How Machine Learning Can Inform Economic Analysis and Policy: The Use Of Micro-Prediction ". Students of TI and BDS can freely register to attend the lecture by sending an email to seminar@tinbergen.nl with "Mullainathan" in the subject line.

The full program as well as the registration form can be found at: www.econweek.nl.