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Home | Events Archive | CREED/TI miniworkshop: Evolution

CREED/TI miniworkshop: Evolution

  • Series
    CREED Seminars
  • Speaker(s)
    Marco Archetti (Pennsylvania State University, United States) Pedro Dal Bó (Brown University, United States) and Arthur Robson (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
  • Field
    Behavioral Economics
  • Date and time

    February 04, 2021
    16:30 - 18:30

February 4, 16:30-18:30 CET: Evolution

Program (order of presentations)

Pedro Dal Bó (Brown University, United States), “The evolutionary robustness of forgiveness and cooperation”

Arthur Robson (Simon Fraser University, Canada), "Evolved Attitudes to Risk and the Demand for Equity"

Marco Archetti (Pennsylvania State University, United States), “Public goods games, medical applications, and why non-linearities matter in the evolution of cooperation”

Information and registration
Each presentation is 25 minutes and there is some time for questions at the end. Questions can be posted in the chat and we will moderate them. Only pressing clarifying questions will be handled during a talk. We appreciate it if you can turn on your webcam.

Go here to find instruction on how to attend this online workshop: www.tinbergen.nl/creed-ti-miniworkshops

The CREED/TI miniworkshop series is organized by research fellow Jeroen van de Ven, Natalie Lee and Giorgia Romagnoli. All University of Amsterdam.