Speaker(s)Marco Casari (University of Bologna, Italy), Romain Espinosa (CNRS, France), Paul Ferraro (Johns Hopkins University, United States), Jonatan Pinkse (University of Manchester, United Kingdom), Nicolas Treich (Toulouse School of Economics, France), Björn Vollan (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany) et al.
FieldOrganizations and Markets
LocationTinbergen Institute Amsterdam, Auditorium
Amsterdam -
September 09, 2022 until September 10, 2022
Symposium on Markets & Sustainability (SMS2022) takes place in the auditorium at Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam, Gustav Mahlerplein 117.
Program (as of September 7, 2022): link
Please note that the detailed program will continue to be updated.
Confirmed speakers (as of September 7, 2022) in alphabetical order:
Anna Abatayo (Wageningen University) - Governing climate engineering: side-payments are not enough
Julia Blasch (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) - Nudging energy conservation and load shifting in a virtual energy community
Marco Casari (University of Bologna, Italy) - "I will if you will" in climate cooperation
Romain Espinosa (CNRS, France) - Perceived benefits of plant-based diets
Paul Ferraro (Johns Hopkins University, United States) - The promise and pitfalls of applying insights from behavioral economics to address sustainability challenges (ONLINE)
Albert Jan Hummel (University of Amsterdam) - Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Second-Best Climate-Economy Model with Heterogeneous Agents
Adrian de Groot Ruiz (Impact Institute) - The True Cost and True Price of Food
Ann-Kathrin Koessler (Leibniz University Hannover) - Perspective-taking with others: An effective mean to promote pro-environmental behavior?
Marijke Leliveld (University of Groningen) - Sustainable packaging in the e-commerce: a consumer perspective
Jonatan Pinkse (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) -
How can we drive businesses to deliver on Net Zero?
Vittoria Scalera (University of Amsterdam)- Toxic patents: an organizational perspective on globally banned chemicals
Nicolas Treich (Toulouse School of Economics, France) - The Animal Welfare Levy
Uyanga Turmunkh (IÉSEG School of Management, France) - Ambiguity in Environmental Decisions
Björn Vollan (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany) - Exploring Links between Scientific Paradigms, Worldviews of Delegates and their Recommended Climate Policies
Confirmed Pitches (as of August 26, 2022)
Noor Veenhoven (Project Cece), Jan Harmen Akkerman (TanQyou), Ajay Varadharajan (GreenSwapp)
Tinbergen Institute research fellows Sander Onderstal and Joël van der Weele are organizing the second edition of the Symposium on Markets & Sustainability (SMS2022) at Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam. SMS2022 is jointly organized by the U of Amsterdam, the U of Groningen, Vrije U Amsterdam, Wageningen U and Tinbergen Institute. The symposium will focus on Behavioral Economics and Environmental Decision Making.
At SMS2022, researchers from different fields of economics and business present their recent research on these topics and discuss how it contributes to addressing sustainability challenges. The focus will be on environmental economics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable operations management but other perspectives to explore sustainable consumer and firm behavior, such as psychological and consumer behavior research, will also be highlighted.