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Home | Events Archive | ECEFG Competition Policy Workshop 2022

ECEFG Competition Policy Workshop 2022

  • Speaker(s)
    Jan Blockx (University of Antwerp), Michele Cantarella (University of Helsinki), Sean Ennis (University of East Anglia), Alba Ribera Martínez (Universidad Carlos III Madrid), Bita Shabgard (Universitat de les Illes Balears) et al.
  • Field
    Organizations and Markets
  • Location
    Erasmus University Rotterdam, room to be announced
  • Date and time

    October 14, 2022
    09:00 - 18:00

ECEFG Competition Policy Workshop 2022

Date: October 14, Venue: Erasmus University Rotterdam
Registration and more information: ECEFG workshop website

The Erasmus Center for Economic and Financial Governance (ECEFG) calls for papers for the first edition of its annual Competition Policy workshop. The events of ECEFG stand out because they bring together academics and practitioners from economics, law and other disciplines on topics related to economic and financial governance.

This year the focus of our workshop is on Big Tech in Competition Policy. In the past decade there has been an increasing concern that traditional competition policy and regulation practices are ill equipped to tackle new (digital) platform markets. Partly because of the speed of developments in these markets, partly because the price in these markets is often non-monetary (data rather than money), and partly because there is call for (anti-trust) authorities to remedy the entrenched positions that current big tech companies enjoy. Very recently, these concerns have resulted in the Digital Markets Act of the EU.

Our workshop aims to give a podium to research on the frontier of these and related fields, as well as research providing an overview of the current situation and literature. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

· Platform markets and competition policy or regulation

· Privacy and competition policy or regulation

· The Digital Markets Act and its consequences.

Participation in the workshop is free. Lunch is included. There is a workshop dinner for presenters.

For any questions, please send an email to ecefg@ese.eur.nl.

Organizing committee,

María Campo Comba (Erasmus School of Law)
Jurjen Kamphorst (Erasmus School of Economics)
Rubén Poblete Cazenave (Erasmus School of Economics)