Bikeability and the induced demand for cycling
Speaker(s)Mogens Fosgerau (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
FieldSpatial Economics
LocationTinbergen Institute Amsterdam, room 1.01
Amsterdam -
Date and time
November 03, 2022
12:00 - 13:00
How much is the volume of urban bicycle traffic affected by the
provision of bicycle infrastructure? We exploit a large dataset of
observed bicycle trajectories in combination with a fine-grained
representation of the Copenhagen bicycle-relevant network. We apply a
novel model for the bicyclist choice of route from origin to destination
that takes the complete network into account. This enables us to back
out the bicyclist preferences for a range of infrastructure and land-use
types. We use the estimated preferences to compute a subjective cost of
bicycle travel, which we correlate with the number of bicycle trips
across a large number of origin-destination pairs. Simulations suggest
that the extensive Copenhagen bicycle lane network has increased the
number of bicycle trips by 40 percent and the volume of bicycle km by 60
percent, compared to a counterfactual without the bicycle lane network.
This translates into an annual benefit worth 0.4 M EUR per km of
bicycle lane due to changes in subjective travel cost, health, and
accidents. Our results thus strongly support the provision of bicycle
Joint paper with Miroslawa Lukawska, Mads Paulsen, and Thomas Kjær Rasmussen.