Bank Opacity - Patterns and Implications
Speaker(s)Stefan Avdjiev (Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland)
FieldFinance, Finance
Date and time
December 07, 2022
12:45 - 14:00
investigate the patterns and implications of bank opacity in Europe
using a rich bank-level data set. Employing a novel event study
methodology, we document that public data releases by the European
Banking Authority (EBA) on banks' exposures to individual countries and
sectors contained information that was not previously priced by equity
and CDS markets. We demonstrate that the degree of bank opacity varied
considerably across bank nationalities and counterparty sectors – it was
highest for European periphery banks' sovereign exposures and European
core banks' private sector exposures. Furthermore, we document that
underestimations of banks' credit risk by markets were associated with
lower funding costs and higher wholesale borrowing (for all banks) as
well as with greater risk taking and higher profitability (for European
periphery banks).Joint paper with Maximilian Jager.
The BIS WP version of the paper is available here.