Identification in a Binary Choice Panel Data Model with a Predetermined Covariate
SeriesErasmus Econometric Institute Series
Speaker(s)Bryan Graham (University of California, Berkeley, United States)
LocationErasmus University Rotterdam, Campus Woudestein, Langeveld room 2.14
Rotterdam -
Date and time
October 05, 2023
12:00 - 13:00
We study identification in a binary choice panel data model with a single predetermined binary covariate (i.e., a covariate sequentially exogenous conditional on lagged outcomes and covariates). The choice model is indexed by a scalar parameter θ, whereas the distribution of unit-specific heterogeneity, as well as the feedback process that maps lagged outcomes into future covariate realizations, are left unrestricted. We provide a simple condition under which θ is never point-identified, no matter the number of time periods available. This condition is satisfied in most models, including the logit one. We also characterize the identified set of θ and show how to compute it using linear programming techniques. While θ is not generally point-identified, its identified set is informative in the examples we analyze numerically, suggesting that meaningful learning about θ may be possible even in short panels with feedback. As a complement, we report calculations of identified sets for an average partial effect, and find informative sets in this case as well. Joint paper with