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Home | Events Archive | Dynamic Concern for Misspecification

Dynamic Concern for Misspecification

  • Series
    CREED Seminars
  • Speaker(s)
    Giacomo Lanzani (Harvard University, United States)
  • Field
    Behavioral Economics
  • Location
    University of Amsterdam, Roeterseilandcampus, room E0.04
  • Date and time

    February 01, 2024
    16:00 - 17:15


We consider an agent who posits a set of probabilistic models for the payoff-relevant outcomes. The agent has a prior over this set but fears the actual model is omitted and hedges against this possibility. The concern for misspecification is endogenous: If a model explains the previous observations well, the concern attenuates. We show that different static preferences under uncertainty (subjective expected utility, maxmin, robust control) arise in the long run, depending on how quickly the agent becomes unsatisfied with unexplained evidence and whether they are misspecified. The misspecification concern's endogeneity naturally induces behavior cycles, and we characterize the limit action frequency. This model is consistent with the empirical evidence on monetary policy cycles and choices in the face of complex tax schedules.

Giacomo Lanzani works on microeconomic theory, particularly learning and decision theory. Please see his personal page.