Workshop on Climate Policy: Inequality, Fairness, and Public Acceptance
FieldBehavioral Economics
LocationUniversity of Amsterdam, Doelenzaal, University Library (Singel 425)
Amsterdam -
Date and time
September 09 2024, 08:00 until September 10 2024, 17:30
How are the costs of climate change distributed across different regions and income groups? How can these costs be shared more justly? How should climate policies be designed and communicated to reach a broad consensus and keep us united in the fight against climate change?
Between September 9-10, 2024 the "Workshop on climate policy: Inequality, fairness, and public acceptance" will be organised at the University Library (Doelenzaal) at the University of Amsterdam.
ProgrammeSeptember 9, 20248:00-9:00: Breakfast and welcome • Gregor Singer (London School of Economics) 10:20-10:40: Coffee break 10:40-12:00: • Harim Kim (University of Connecticut) 12:00-13:30: Lunch 13:30-15:30: Academic session 2 - Politically
feasible design and communication of climate policies September 10, 20248:00-9:00: Breakfast and welcome 11:00-11:30: Coffee break |
• Zichen Deng, University of Amsterdam, Microeconomics
• Thomas Douenne, University of Amsterdam,
• Natalie Lee, University of Amsterdam, Microeconomics
• Jantsje Mol, University of Amsterdam, Microeconomics
• Giorgia Romagnoli, University of Amsterdam,