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Home | Events | Netherlands Economists Day (NED)

Netherlands Economists Day (NED)

  • Speaker(s)
    KVS Tinbergen keynote lecture: Pol Antràs (Harvard University, United States)
  • Field
    Behavioral Economics, Complexity, Econometrics, Spatial Economics, Empirical Microeconomics, Finance, Organizations and Markets, Macroeconomics
  • Date

    October 25, 2024

The 13th Nederlandse Economendag (NED) will be organized on Friday October 25, 2024. The NED will take place on Campus The Hague of Leiden University, Turfmarkt 99, The Hague.

During this day economists in the Netherlands come together to discuss relevant economic themes and to present recent research. Pol Antràs (Harvard University, United States) will give the KVS Tinbergen lecture this year. A total of 350 participants attended the NED in 2023.

Call for papers

If you would like to present your work you can submit a draft of your paper no later than June 27 via this registration form.2 A scientific committee will make a selection from the contributions. You will be informed whether your submission is included in the program in the beginning of September.

One should be a member of the KVS in order to present at the NED. You can become a member via this page, but it is also possible to become a member when you buy your ticket for the NED (starting from mid-September).

More information about the event can be found at De Nederlandse Economendag 2024 - ESB.