Search Demand Effects on Equilibrium Unemployment and a Wage Phillips Curve
Etienne Wasmer (NYU Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
- Macro Seminars
Etienne Wasmer (NYU Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
Paulina Restrepo (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, United States)
Benjamin Villena (University of Chile)
Leena Rudanko (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, United States)
Vasco Carvalho (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Alexander Meyer-Gohde (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
Jordi Gali (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Ester Faia (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany)
Nizar Allouch (University of Kent, United Kingdom)
Frank Heinemann (TU Berlin, Germany)
Francesco Zanetti (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Cynthia Doniger (Federal Reserve System, United States)
Matt Elliott (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Ija Trapeznikova (University of London, United Kingdom)
Patrick Kehoe (Stanford University, United States)
Jonathan Hoddenbagh (Johns Hopkins University, United States)
Zhen Huo (Yale University,United States)
Frederic Malherbe (London Business School, United Kingdom)
Luigi Guiso ( Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance, Italy)
Felicia Ionescu (Federal Reserve Board, United States)