2nd XAmsterdam Macroeconomic Workshop
Keynotes: Monika Piazzesi (Stanford University, United States) and Martin Schneider (Stanford University and NBER, United States)
Keynotes: Monika Piazzesi (Stanford University, United States) and Martin Schneider (Stanford University and NBER, United States)
Lucia Bonova (European Commission DG COMP), Maarten Janssen (University of Vienna), Paul Tang (European Parliament). Keynote: Julian Wright (National University of Singapore),
Christian Francq (CREST-ENSAE & University of Lille, France) Andrew Harvey (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom), Alessandra Luati (University of Bologna, Italy and Imperial College London, United Kingdom) and Peter Boswijk (University of Amsterdam)
Dalila Bernardino Figueiredo (European University Institute), Gary Charness (UC Santa Barbara), Manuela Puente (Max Planck Institute), Sebastian Riedmiller (Max Planck Institute), Daniel Salicath (Max Planck Institute) et al.
PhD students will present their work. Keynotes: Magdalena Rola-Janicka (Tilburg University) and Albert Jan Hummel (University of Amsterdam)
Cynthia Balloch (London School of Economics), Michael Johannes (Columbia Business School), Ananth Madhavan (BlackRock), Paul Schneider (University of Lugano), Grigory Vilkov (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) and Mungo Wilson (University of Oxford)
Pauline Carry (CREST, France), Raoul van Maarseveen (Uppsala University, Sweden), and Elio Nimier-David (CREST, France)
Celine Bonnet (Toulouse School of Economics), Alessandro Gavazza (London School fo Economics), Helena Perrone (University of Mannheim), and Xuan Teng (University of Munich) et al.