The Subtour LP for the Traveling Salesman Problem II: On the Integrality Gap of the 1,2-TSP
Frans Schalekamp
- Econometrics Seminars and Workshop Series
Frans Schalekamp
Farewell symposium of Dr. A.F. (Aart) de Vos
Domenico Giannone (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
David Hendry (Oxford)
Roman Liesenfeld (Kiel)
David Dickey (North Carolina State)
Pavel Cizek (Tilburg)
Marco Riani (Parma)
Patrik Guggenberger (UCSD)
Christian Gourieroux (ENSAE, Paris and Toronto)
Guilherme Valle Moura (VU)
David Dickey North (Carolina State)