Symmetric Jackknife Instrumental Variable Estimation
Paul Bekker (University of Groningen)
- Seminars Econometric Institute
Paul Bekker (University of Groningen)
Rui Shen (RSM)
John Morgan (Haas, University of California)
Lorenzo Pozzi (Erasmus School of Economics, EUR)
Victor Hoornweg (EUR)
Michael Owyang (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Sebastian Ebert (Bonn)
John Geweke, Neil Shephard, Arnoud Doucet, Ron Gallant, Christophe Andrieu, Nicholas Chopin, and Drew Creal
Mehtap Kilic (EUR)
Gary Koop (University of Strathclyde)
Sjoerd van Bekkum (ESE, EUR)
John Geweke (University of Technology Sydney, EUR and University of Colorado)
Jo Seldeslachts (University of Amsterdam)
Wenrui Zhang (Nanyang Technological University)
Martin Scholtus (EUR)
Clara Vega (FED)
Jose Maria Labeaga (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid)
Geertjan de Vries (EUR)
Marta Szymanowska (RSM)
Sven Neelsen (CESifo Muenchen)