How Persistent are the Benefits of Foreign Ownership?
Steven Poelhekke (VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
- Research on Monday
Steven Poelhekke (VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Ferdinand Rauch (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Peter Reinhard Hansen (European University Institute, Italy)
Mirko Wiederholt (University of Frankfurt, Germany)
Federico Valenciano (Universidad del País Vasco, Spain)
Stephan Litschig (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University, United States)
Nobuhiko Terui (Tohoku University, Japan)
Tom Boot (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Giugliemlo Caporale (Brunel University London, United Kingdom)
Domenico Delli Gatti (Catholic University in Milan, Italy)
Patrick Arni (IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor, Germany)
Peter Egger (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Cinzia Cirillo (University of Maryland, United States)
Robert Metcalfe (Becker Friedman Institute for Research in Economics, University of Chicago, Chicago, United States of America)
Joel Sobel (University of California, San Diego, United States)
Joel Sobel (University of California, San Diego, United States of America, and Erasmus School of Economics, EUR)
Edward Malecki (The Ohio State University, United States); Mark Partridge (The Ohio State University, United States) and Alessandra Venturini (European Unviersity Institute, Italy); Martijn Burger (Erasmus University of Rotterdam); Maurice De Kleijn (VU University Amsterdam)
Christian Bontemps (University of Toulouse and Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile, France)
Marek Kapička (CERGE-EI, Czech Republic and University of California, United States)