On the Returns to Infrastructure for the Urban Poor and Politicians: Evidence from a Street Pavement Experiment
Climent Quintana-Domeque (University of Alicante)
- Labor Seminars
Climent Quintana-Domeque (University of Alicante)
Jean-Philippe Platteau (University of Namur)
Beata Javorcik (Oxford University) and Ben Zissimos (University of Bath)
Dan Black (Harris School Chicago)
Eugenio Zucchelli (University of York)
Wendy Janssens (VU University Amsterdam)
Nuno Camacho (EUR)
Arthur Attema (iBMG)
Laura Vallejo-Torres (University College London)
Gonzague Vannoorenberghe (Tilburg University) and Marco Fugazza (UNCTAD)