The OECD LinkEED project: Analysing wage inequality with cross-country linked employer-employee data
Cyrille Schwellnus (OECD)
- CAED2020 Online
Cyrille Schwellnus (OECD)
Maarten de Ridder (London School of Economics)
Sabien Dobbelaere (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute) and Chen Yeh (FRB Richmond, United States)
Eric Verhoogen (Columbia University, United States)
Javier Miranda (U.S. Bureau of the Census; IWH Germany)
Salomé Baslandze (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
Jan De Loecker (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Lucia Foster and Catherine Buffington (US Census); Ryan Decker (Federal Reserve Board)
Fabiano Schivardi (LUISS, Italy)
Keynote: John Van Reenen (MIT, United States)