Does Schooling Improve Your Health Behavior? Evidence from the Educational Expansion in Western Germany
Hendrik Juerges (University of Mannheim)
- Labor Seminars
Hendrik Juerges (University of Mannheim)
Eric French (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Radha Iyengar (London School of Economics)
Sandra McNally (London School of Economics)
Kevin Lang (Boston University)
Susan Vroman and Jim Albrecht (Georgetown University)
Matti Sarvimäki (London School of Economics)
Johannes Spinnewijn (MIT Department of Economics)
Jeff Smith (University of Michigan)
Guy Michaels (London School of Economics)
Thomas Dohmen (ROA, Maastricht University), Enrico Perotti (University of Amsterdam) and Kjell Salvanes (NHH, Bergen)
Kjell Salvanes (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration)
Manolis Galenianos (Penn State University)
Saul Lach (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
John Knowles (University of Pennsylvania)
Robert Gary Bobo (CREST-INSEE)
Elena Pastorino (University of Iowa)