Wed Wednesday October 29 2008 Seminar | Rotterdam | 00:00 Recursive Modelling of the Fama-French Factor Returns Dan Zhang PhD Lunch Seminars
Tue Tuesday October 28 2008 Seminar | Amsterdam | 00:00 Learning by Employing: The Value of Commitment Under Uncertainty Elena Pastorino (University of Iowa) Labor Seminars
Tue Tuesday October 28 2008 Seminar | Amsterdam | 00:00 The Effect of Employer Incentives in Social Insurance on Individual Wages Johan Vikström (Uppsala University) PhD Lunch Seminars
Tue Tuesday October 28 2008 Seminar | Amsterdam | 00:00 Did Securitization Lead to Lax Screening? Evidence From Subprime Loans Vikrant Vig (London Business School) TI Finance Research Seminars