Workshop on Economic Theory and Game Theory
Loriane Py (Banque de France) and Yoichi Sugita (Stockholm School of Economics)
Florian Mayneris (Universite Catholique de Louvain) and Thomas Chaney (Toulouse School of Economics)
Workshop 'Political Economy'
Sebastian Krautheim (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Andrei Levchenko (University of Michigan)
Mary Amiti (Federal Reserve Bank of New York) and Klaus Desmet (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Beata Javorcik (Oxford University) and Ben Zissimos (University of Bath)
Gonzague Vannoorenberghe (Tilburg University) and Marco Fugazza (UNCTAD)
Provisional Program
International Workshop on Immigration and Economic Growth
Organization, Selection, Group Power and the Media
Tinbergen Workshop
Amsterdam History and Methodology of Economics Group and Cachan History of Social Science Group