Structural unemployment
Thijs van Rens (CREI)
- Macro Seminars
Thijs van Rens (CREI)
Adriaan R. Soetevent (UvA)
Harald Hau (University of Geneva)
Berber Kramer (VU University Amsterdam)
Dion Bongaerts (RSM)
Seasonality and related effects in economic time series
David Meltzer (University of Chicago)
Jose Rosero
Alon Brav (Fuqua School of Business, Duke University)
Bart Frijns (Auckland University of Technology)
Stephen Kastoryano
Ralf Martin (London School of Economics)
Provisional Program
Harold Houba (VU University)
International Workshop on Immigration and Economic Growth
Georg Kirchsteiger (ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Buhui Qiu (RSM)
Jona Linde
Robert Dur (EUR)