Unexploited Gains from International Diversification: Patterns of Portfolio around the World’
Sergio Schmukler (The World Bank)
- TI Finance Research Seminars
Sergio Schmukler (The World Bank)
Estelle Cantillon (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Bart Voogt (EUR)
Teresa Bago d'Uva (Erasmus School of Economics)
José Luis Peydró Alcalde (European Central Bank)
Tim Willems(University of Amsterdam)
David Reinstein (UN of Essex)
Oleg Sokolinskiy (EUR)
Gunter Maris (University of Amsterdam, and CITO)
Peter Exterkate (EUR)
Thomas Noe (Oxford-Said Business School)
Silvana Robone (University of York)
Jacobus de Hoop (VU University Amsterdam)
Markku Kaustia (Helsinki School of Economics)
Hakan Selin (Uppsala University)
Adriaan Soetevent (University of Amsterdam)
Jana Vyrastekova (Radboud Nijmegen)
Christian Bayer (University of Bonn)
Arjan Non (EUR)
Bettina Rockenbach (Erfurt University)