Product Market Efficiency: The Bright Side of Myopic, Uninformed, and Passive External Finance
Thomas Noe (Oxford-Said Business School)
- Erasmus Finance Seminars
Thomas Noe (Oxford-Said Business School)
Ruslan Goyenko (McGill University)
Christopher James (University of Florida - Gainesville
Marcin Kacperczyk, New York University - Stern
Alok Kumar (The University of Texas at Austin)
Rui Albuquerque (Boston)
Michel Robe (Kogod, American University)
Ralph Koijen (Chicago)
Martijn Cremers (Yale)
David L. Yermack (NYU, Stern)
Jana Fidrmuc (Warwick)
Miles Livingston (University of Florida)
Manju Puri (Duke University)
Joao Santos (Federal Reserve Bank)